space design
Over the years Barcelona has become more and more overrun by tourists, commuters and cars. There’s no space for locals to run in the heart of the city where they can truly push their limits.
Nike’s goal was to create an experiene for Barcelona runners to take back the city . Reclaim Barcelona.
The runners would start from five key points of the city and after a 10k run the finish line was an iconic Barcelona destination, La Paloma.
Our goal was to mix the rococo architecture of La paloma with a urban/techy look & feel to give the runners an immersive experience while keeping the Barcelona essence.
Nike’s goal was to create an experiene for Barcelona runners to take back the city . Reclaim Barcelona.
The runners would start from five key points of the city and after a 10k run the finish line was an iconic Barcelona destination, La Paloma.
Our goal was to mix the rococo architecture of La paloma with a urban/techy look & feel to give the runners an immersive experience while keeping the Barcelona essence.